What if in the beginning of the Christ Movement there were women apostles, priests, deacons, and bishops? Well hold onto your hats as we blow your beliefs that only men were spiritual leaders during the early church. On this episode of Belief Busters, Margaret Mary O’Connor and I discuss the reality that women of power have been erased from church history by patriarchal Roman politics. But you can do something about this fallacy, awaken to newly unearthed truths that women spiritual leaders existed and sign the petition to have the Catholic Church change their dogma to allow women to reclaim their power within the Church.

Margaret Mary O’Connor has a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Buffalo, and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, from Christ The King Seminary in East Aurora, NY. She is a former Chaplain and currently is a Eucharistic Minister. She literally walks the walk, on picket lines to help keep the issues of Women’s Ordination and Church Accountability on the Priest Sexual Abuse Issue, at the forefront of any Catholic’s attention. She believes any Catholic deserves at minimal at least the truth from Rome, as opposed to the continual out right deception they are receiving. She also is a member of Call To Action, Future Church, Roman Catholic Women Priests, Women’s Ordination Conference and SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests). Margaret’s goal is to initiate a World-Wide Conversation about the Factual Truth of Mary Mother Of God, being a Woman Priest, in the Catholic Church’s Early History. Margaret has written a book, Scandal in the Shadows about Mary as Priest. To sign the petition for change in the Catholic Church go to http://www.yourradicaltruth.com/