Are You a Real Man? Panel Finale

The finale of our panel discussion questions the the beliefs of what constitutes a  real man. In this episode we discuss the earliest model for manhood, our  dads. We identify some of the stereotypical beliefs about the role of  the male energy and they share their personal journey on deciding to  change those beliefs that no longer work for them. We also take a  ground-breaking look at the non-binary issues around masculinity.

Dai Manuel is an award-winning digital thought leader and author,  Distinguished Toastmaster & keynote speaker, former partner and  Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company and a  sought after lifestyle mentor and executive performance coach. Dai is a  super dad, dating his wife, with a lead by example way of living and a  contagious personality, who is on a mission to positively impact one  million role models around the globe to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life  through education, encouragement, and community. His website: Dai’s ultimate resource (no sign up required)

Jay Pryor is a speaker, executive coach and facilitator of corporate  trainings and workshops around the globe. They are the author of the  acclaimed book Lean Inside: 7 Steps to Personal Power: A Practical Guide  to Transformation for Women and co-hosted the podcast Doing the Work  with Jay and Becca, devoted to awakening people to their own power to  transform their lives. Jay is an LGBTQ advocate & educator for  inclusivity and gender consciousness and the creator of The Gender  Reveal Party, a one-human performance show about their experience  growing up a transgender non-binary person in the heart of the Midwest.  Jay lives with their wife, Jessica, and two children in Lawrence,  Kansas. Jay’s website is: Jay’s Free Offering: Text the word, freeaudiobook to 314-665-1767 to  download a free copy of my book, Lean Inside: Seven Steps to Personal  Power.

Graham Taylor-Jones is currently living full-time in an RV whilst  working remotely. He loves supporting his wife’s ministry and outreach  (that’s me!). He is an engineer who is also creative and works at  integrating both sides of the brain (the logical side and the artistic).  He plays several musical instruments and is a song-writer. He mentors  friends and colleagues in technical skills as well as how to navigate  emotional situations with tact and diplomacy. Graham is committed to  exploring spiritual growth, modeling authentic behaviors and showing  others that it is okay to be vulnerable as well as confident in ones  abilities.

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