Fast Track from being in the quagmire of the problem to the solution. On today’s episode we will discuss how prone the mind is to blame. Are our judgments: It’s their fault, it’s my fault, it shouldn’t have happened simply part of the human condition? Can we stop Awfulizing?!! If so, listen to some practical and loving tools to support you in stopping the blame, forgiving yourself and others, understanding human nature, and choosing to live in the solution.

Rev. Dr. Martha Creek’s sincere mission to serve is evident in how she joins others in all aspects of their humanity, as a peaceful presence, no matter the circumstances. With a clear understanding that each of us is fully equipped and exists in an infinite possibility field, Martha is inspired and motivated to offer practices and insights that promote balance, autonomy, mindfulness, and a solid foundation for living. Martha is no stranger to challenging situations. She facilitates churches and organizations in the midst of conflict and change, individuals in emotional, financial, physical and spiritual distress, and extraordinary people in struggles with day-to-day challenges looking for another way. Martha is dedicated to serving individuals in realizing their full potential.