That you aren’t enough or that you can’t have it all? Are you tired of living a 3-dimensional life when you really are a 4thand 5th dimensional being? Well release those shackles that hold you from being the powerful being that you were always meant to be. Rev. Sheree invites you to step into your truth today!

Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones is an ordained New Thought Minister, who is the host of Belief Busters Podcast. Her passion is to assist people in questioning their personal beliefs, assessing and analyzing if those beliefs are valuable or need to be changed, giving them permission to release beliefs which no longer serve them, and facilitate them in creating new empowering ones. She believes it’s in our ability to question our convictions that we are able to create personal transformation which leads to a collective shift in consciousness.
She has a newly published book, via, entitled: Turn Your Why? Into Why Not! This book is about helping readers change outdated belief systems which no longer serve them. It is gaining popular attention as a nonjudgmental and practical path to shift consciousness. Sheree is also the host of a podcast called Belief Busters ( that supports transformation of consciousness. You can reach Rev. Sheree at her website and her Facebook page is Preach It Sister.