On Belief Busters Podcast we discuss what spiritual awakening means. We are living in a time when we are seeing the hidden aspects of humanity coming to the surface. Each of us must decide whether to stay asleep and add to the hatred. OR choose to awaken to life, light, and connection to Source.

Our guest to have this deep dive with is Victoria Shaw, earned her PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Princeton University, and completed her postdoctoral training in Educational and Developmental Psychology at Columbia University Teachers College. She also received her Masters of Counseling from Fairfield University. Victoria is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified School Counselor in the State of Connecticut. She is also the author of four books and the mother of two spirited (now adult) children. Victoria says when she made the commitment to her own spiritual growth and development everything changed. People, books, teachings and opportunities appeared at just the right moments. The path unfolded in front of her, and with each step forward she gained a greater sense of wisdom and clarity. The more her intuitive gifts developed, the surer she became that it was her destiny to use what she learned to share and be of service to others.